Frequently Asked Questions
Here you can find the answers to some commonly asked questions.Q: Can traffic citation fines be paid online?
A: Yes, Florida Uniform Traffic Citations can be paid by going to or the Bradford County Clerk of Court website. School zone speed camera violations can be paid by going to the contracted vendor's website at or by calling 1-888-212-4258.
Q: I received a school zone speed camera violation in the mail. Is it a legitimate violation?
A: Florida law was changed in 2023 to allow speed cameras within school zones. A contracted vendor mails out speed camera violations to the registered owner of a vehicle for vehicles driving more than 10 MPH over the speed limit during the posted school hours. The vendor can be reached by calling 1-888-212-4258 or by visiting the online payment website The speed camera violation will not impact vehicle insurance or add points to the driver's license (F.S. 322.27). However, if the recipient of a speed camera violation does not pay or take any action then a Uniform Traffic Citation can be issued (F.S. 316.1896) which could have a higher fine and points to the driver's license.
Q: Where is the Lawtey Police Department located?
The street address is: 2793 Lake St, Lawtey, FL 32058
Just turn westbound on Lake Street at the stop light on US 301.
Q: What is the mailing address for the Lawtey Police Department?
A: P.O. Drawer G, Lawtey, FL 32058
Q: Who is the Mayor?
A: Jimmie Scott
Q: Can you tell me if someone is in jail?
A: The Lawtey Police Department uses the Bradford County Jail. Please call the jail directly at (904) 966-6178 or use the Bradford County Jail Inmate Search.
Q: Can I have an officer's cell phone number?
A: Unfortunately, this information cannot be given out. However, we can take a message and ensure that the officer receives it.
Q: Where can a Concealed Weapons Packet be obtained?
A: The Bradford County Sheriff's Office, and they also offer fingerprinting services. Application packets and information can also be obtained from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
Q: Can my group perform fund-raising activities within the City of Lawtey?
A: Please review the fund raising rules and then fill out the fund raising application. The completed application may be sent to the Lawtey Police Department.
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